2700/2800 Stone Cliff Condominium Association, Inc.
2700/2800 Stone Cliff Condominium Association, Inc.


We have a number of committees that provide valuable services to our residents.  Our committees are an opportunity for you to get involved in an activity that benefits our community and in which you have an interest or expertise.  This is a great way to pick the part of the organization that is right up your alley.


If you are interested in working in one of these committees, please contact the chairman or any of the Board members.
Finance Committee
This committee reviews the Association's finances, income and expenditures, budget, and conntracts. The Treasurer is the committee chairman.

Chairman:  John Abosch  jabosch@2700-2800.org  410-486-5008

Social Committee
This committee works on all of the social events that we have, including making all the arrangements, providing refreshments, and publicity.

Chairman:  Sandy Benney  sandybenney123@gmail.com  410-653-0111


Good and Welfare Committee

Good and Welfare is responsible for making sure all residents are notified of life events within the community, both good and bad.  Births, special anniversaries, as well as unfortunate situations are noted and appropriate actions are taken.

Chairman:  Toby Leven  tobyleven@yahoo.com  410-484-0143


Building Operations Committee

Chairman:  Hollis Jackson, hollis1818@comcast.net, 443-544-7577

Chariman Emeritus and Founder:  Norm  Benney


Landscaping Committee

Chairman:  Jerry Mondell, gpmondell@gmail.com, 410-486-1542


Interior Design/Decorating Committee

Chairs:  Janet Wolf (2700), janetmwolf@yahoo.com, 443-449-5345

                 Gail Shugarman (2800), gshugar702@aol.com, 410-486-1661


Architectural Committee

The Architectural Committee is responsible for approving or disapproving requests for additions or changes that are visible from outside your unit.  Any proposed changes that are visible from outside your unit, either from the interior hallway or from the outside of the building, must be submitted to and approved by the Architectural Committee before implementation, according to the bylaws.

Chairman:  Steve Leven, sleven@comcast.net, 410-241-4019


Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is charged with making sure that candidates for the open Board positions are nominated, and that all nomination, election, and meeting notice procedures conform to the requirements of the By-Laws.  The Nominating Committee Chairman is selected by the Board no later than the October meeting, and the chairman then selects the committee, with the Board's approval.

Chairman:  Myron Miller (2022), myrmiller1@verizon.net


Latest Updates

12/27/24 - Contractors List has been updated on the Owners / Events page.


12/18/24 - Schedule of 2025 meetings added to the Owners / Minutes page.
12/18/24  FINAL Minutes of the December 2023  Annual Meeting, posted on the Owners / Minutes page.

12/18/24 - Board of Directors listing updated with newly elected Directors, Officer positions.


10/14/24 - October 2024  Newsletter added to the Owners / Newsletters-Social page.

10/14/24 - Board Meeting Minutes and Agenda added to the Owners / Board Agendas/Minutes page.


10/5/24 - Call for Nominations and Nomination Form added in the Owners / Nomination Info page.


9/1/23 - Directory of Residents has been updated, and a downloadable/printable PDF version has been linked.

10/2/22 - Resolution on entry Code Procedures for Resdients and Realtors added to  Owners / ByLaws page.


7/17/22 - Updated Rule on Use of 3rd Floor Lobbies added to  Owners / ByLaws page.


4/20/22 - April 2022 Bldg Ops Newsletter added to the Owners / Newsletters-Bldg Ops page.


3/14/22 - Updated Move In/Out and Delivery Policies added to the Owners / ByLaws page.


8/3/21 - Downloads: Forms and Docs  added to the Owners section.


5/2/17 - Resolution on Pet Requirements being controlled by the Master Governing Documents posted on the Owners / ByLaws page.


5/3/16 - Policy on Collections Procedure posted on the Owners / ByLaws page.

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© 2700/2800 Stone Cliff Condominium Association, Inc.